Tell me this happens to you… You start one project and it rolls into another one before you finish the original project? Anyone?! We had tackled the new furniture, new rug, new drum stool, new pillows and end table, new curtains, and had finally finished the last thing–painting. We should be done with the living […]
Living Room Makeover: Paint
Well, all that you’ve been hearing on the blog the past week have been crickets, huh? We’ve been on vacation mode and it has been wonderful! Jeremy had an entire week off which was amazing! We had planned to go to the beach and do some fun stuff around town, but a hurricane squashed our […]
Living Room Makeover: The Rug Saga
I titled this “The Rug Saga” because nothing is ever simple! Ha! As you know, we recently purchased new living room furniture and are in the middle of giving the room a makeover (more details here and here). Our previous rug was way too busy paired with our new chair and ottoman, so we sold […]
Living Room Makeover: Drum Stool
Quick living room update today! We needed an end table to go next to the arm chair, but didn’t want to add another piece of dark wood furniture or another rectangle to the room. I started thinking about alternative options and remembered seeing garden drum stools used for end tables. A quick online search later, […]
Living Room Makeover: Pillows + End Table
Lately, I’ve been on the hunt for some colorful pillows for the living room. I found these at World Market and love the style and how the dark colored buttons tie into the dark wood in the furniture. They are very close to the color of our chair and ottoman, but just a tad too […]
Living Room Makeover: Furniture Edition
Update: The sectional ended up being defective, so we had to exchange it. Click here to see our fabulous new sectional! Sorry for another extended absence! Jeremy’s mom was here for the past two weeks. It was really nice to have her here! I really wanted to do things for her and make her feel […]
White Washed Wood in the Living Room
We’ve made a couple changes in the living room that we’re really enjoying. I love black picture frames with white mats. I’m a sucker for the contrast of them! However, we have several black frames around the living room and entry way and I was afraid of it getting too matchy matchy in here. I really like the […]
Consolidated DVD Storage
I’ve officially started on our home reorganization project! The first room I’m conquering is the living room. I needed a place to store all of the cords and gear for our computer and camera. The drawers in our TV stand were a natural choice for these items, but they were completely full of DVDs. I […]
Everyday Fireplace Decor
I don’t know about you, but after Christmas, I always struggle a bit to redecorate my mantle. I don’t want anything too seasonal, just something that’s good for every day. I’ve been playing with my mantle decor since New Year’s and finally came up with a mix that I love! You’ll remember I scored the […]
Rooms to Go isofa
Have you seen Rooms to Go’s new isofa? I’m ridiculously excited about it! You design your own couch by picking your style, color, and couch pillows! And have I mentioned it’s actually affordable?! I’m stoked! We’ve been planning to replace our couches in the spring and have been wanting an ivory or khaki colored couch. […]