…money. Not love. Is that song stuck in your head now? It’s certainly stuck in mine. 😉
Let’s have a little chat. I started this blog to document our home adventures. I try to keep it sunny over here on the blog, but life isn’t sunshine and roses all the time, right? So, let’s chat about the not so pretty side of our home adventures, shall we?
Back when we first looked at our home mere hours after it went on the market, we fell for it hard. I mean, you really can’t beat the curb appeal and natural light this house offers and the location is stellar. There were, of course, some cons like the fact that the house has small bedrooms, a small-ish kitchen with no pantry, and a hill for a backyard. But, the pros far outweighed the cons and we put in an offer while we were still touring the house.
One thing we noticed while touring the house, though, was that while it was not ancient, it was hitting the age where the major systems needed to be replaced. The windows, roof, water heaters, and most of the AC units/furnaces were original to the home circa 1998. We knew that these things would likely start breaking in the next 5 years, so we braced ourselves for the inevitable storm of expenses. And that’s where we are today… In the storm of expenses with a tornado sucking the money right out of our wallet.
So, here’s the not so glamorous home projects we’ve been doing the past several months. I haven’t blogged them in real-time because they are a total snooze fest! But, this is part of the journey, so I’m giving them to you today!
First, two windows rotted. They were wood and were not looking too hot when we first bought the house. We held off as long as we could, but finally had to buckle down and replace them with new vinyl windows. Holy cow, windows are SO expensive!

Funny story… I may have chased down the window installer in the driveway as she was hauling out the old windows and asked her to keep them. Thankfully, she understood my crazy and handed them over, even offering ideas for what to do with them. Ha, love it!
Next thing to go was the main hot water heater. It was so bad that even turned on the hottest setting, we couldn’t make it through a shower without running out of hot water. We also noticed that the gas pipe was corroding, so we went ahead and got it replaced. Warm showers abound! Yay!
Our dishwasher has given us trouble for a couple years now, but thankfully it was operational enough to use. The top rack brackets broke 2 years ago and the repair man saved us major bucks by securing the rack with heavy duty zip ties. Now why didn’t we think of that?! Then the rinse aid compartment broke shortly after that, so we constantly had cups drying on the counter since they weren’t drying in the dishwasher. Drying dishes by hand? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
But, then a few weeks ago, the dishwasher started stalling out in the middle of the cycle. The repairman was out THREE times and changed three parts to no avail. It was decided that the control panel was bad ($$$$), so we finally put a stop to the madness and bought a new dishwasher. Cha-ching. That one hurt, because the dishwasher was not old at all and should not have had so many troubles! Do yourself a favor and don’t buy a Samsung! Our new Whirlpool dishwasher came today and after a month of hand washing dishes, I kissed it and declared it my new best friend. 😉
Think I’m done? I wish! In the midst of the dishwasher troubles, our downstairs AC unit started making loud noises and working really hard. Then, it started working so hard that the floor was vibrating when it was on. Yeah, not good. Turns out, the blower fan went out and needed to be replaced. Our AC and furnace share the same blower fan and it happened to be located inside the furnace. The furnace was original to the home in and was already 5+ years past what they normally last. Instead of dumping hundreds of dollars into fixing it just for it to die soon, we replaced the furnace. It felt very strange to be replacing a furnace in 100 degree heat! But, now our AC works like a dream and is so quiet!
Oh yes, and our garage door opener went out. We’ve just lived without it for a while, but as soon as we can find time, we are going to try to tackle replacing that ourselves. Wish us luck!
Whew, that’s a long, depressing list, huh? In a way, it’s relieving to get some of this stuff done. We’ve been living with the knowledge that these things would break soon, so it’s nice to get some of it off our minds. BUT, I’m just praying nothing else goes out for a while! Enough is enough!
I’ll be back next week with more fun posts than pictures of water heaters and furnaces. Ha! Happy weekend!
wow, I was feeling sorry for myself due to the number of things we've replaced or corrected in our 4 year old house. You've really been through the ringer. Hoping nothing else happens. Enjoyed your post and will be reading your past post to share your journey.