Guess what we’re up to this time? Little Man’s room! He has been slowly outgrowing his nursery the last couple of years and as much as I try, I just can’t seem to slow down time and keep him little forever. So, forward we go! This month, we’re taking his room from nursery to big kid!
I realized I have never actually shown you his nursery on the blog before, so enjoy this little trip down memory lane! While we were eagerly awaiting Little Man’s arrival, we got to work on his room. Jeremy assembled furniture…
…while I grew our tiny human. Here I am a day before giving birth.
Just kidding, I was only 5 or 6 months pregnant here. I have the shortest.torso.ever. When I’m pregnant, I look really pregnant. Go big or go home, right? Here’s the last belly picture (36 weeks maybe?) before Little Man was born… basketball belly, mom haircut, swollen face and ankles, oh yeah!
So, back to the nursery. Jeremy’s one request was that we paint it blue. I couldn’t pick a paint color for the life of me and ended up crying at the paint store because I couldn’t decide on a color. Pregnancy hormones don’t play, folks. Ha!
We ended up with a pretty blue that we both loved! It was from Sherwin-Williams, but they have discontinued the exact shade. I should mention, these pictures are from before my blogging days, so excuse the quality. 🙂
I have never been a huge fan of overly themed rooms, so we went with a simple striped crib bumper and solid green textiles. This was, of course, before I knew that curtains need to touch the ground. Live and learn. And take your curtains down to the floor. 😉
We did bring in some turtle accents, though, which we both loved! The turtle lamp was from my Grandma and aunt and I still love it. The ceramic turtle was an art project Jeremy did in high school! We also had the cutest turtle mobile ever, but I can’t find a picture of it. Sad times. The truck was from Jeremy’s childhood and his parents collected fun construction vehicles for Little Man to display on it.
Our old house had some cool sloped ceilings, which made for a fun little reading nook in the nursery. That was my favorite spot in the room!
When Little Man was one, we moved into our current house. To try to keep things calm and familiar, we painted his new room the exact same color and decorated it pretty much the exact same way. I did learn to get longer curtains, though!
When we were pregnant with Little Girlie, we transitioned Little Man into a big boy bed. At that point, we weren’t ready to redo his entire room, so we made a few changes and tried to work with the existing paint and curtains. Check out some of the projects we have done to help his room grow with him:

Here’s how his room is looking now. I left the table out just how he left it this morning so you could see how little floor space he has left when he’s using his table.
That extra closet shelving we added is still waiting for paint. Clearly, we just purged. This closet is usually a mess because the storage bins are not all within reach for Little Man.
It’s starting to look cluttered and hodge podged. He is in desperate need of more floorspace to play and storage solutions that he can actually reach and that work for his specific toys. *cough* Legos *cough*
Little Man is growing fast and it’s time we get his room functioning for a big kid instead of a baby! He is really into Star Wars, so I know he will flip out if I include some Star Wars in the plans. Again, I don’t care for overly themed rooms, so expect some Star Wars accents, but not Star Wars covered everything. 😉
Ready to see where we’re headed with the room?
Images via Pottery Barn, Rugs USA, I Love Print, I Heart Organizing, Apartment Therapy, Sherwin-Williams, and Renovation Tracker.
Here’s what’s on our agenda for the next 6 weeks:
-Paint the room.
-Purchase new curtains.
-Purchase new rug.
-Rearrange the furniture
-Add Star Wars art and accessories.
-Build window seat with storage.
-Add storage solution for art supplies.
-Paint closet shelves.
-Get rid of dresser and add closet clothing storage.
We plan to keep the light, his bed, nightstand, and bedding which definitely helps out the budget!
We decided to keep our room design plans a secret from Little Man and are going to try to pull off surprising him. It’s like our own little version of HGTV over here. Ha! I can’t wait to see his face when he sees his room and realizes we encorporated Star Wars!
I hope you follow along as we overhaul Little Man’s room! Be sure to check out all the other awesome room makeovers going on this month, too! There’s some serious talent going on over at Calling it Home!
Linking up with Savvy Southern Style, Remodelaholic, and many other awesome blogs!
How fun! Can’t wait to see the star wars stuff, my son is obsessed right now! I need some inspiration! looking forward to following along!
Such a sweet space and I love the colors! Boy’s rooms are so fun. That is wonderful that you intend to surprise him! I wish I could pull that off, but I am way to indecisive so I need input.
I look the same way while being pregnant. People would always ask me if I’m due any day when i was only 6 months! Your inspiration looks great, can’t wait to see the new big boy bedrrom.
Haha, yes! Glad to know I’m not the only one! 🙂 Thanks, I’m *loving* your plans for your nursery and am obsessed with your recent girl room reveal. You’re rocking it!
Awww, “Big boy” rooms are the best-I had so much fun doing my little guy’s room a few years back-enjoy the process! I love all of your ideas, and I’ll have to check out your bath from last orc-this is my first year doing it, and i’m tackling a kid’s space-a homework area for my 3! best of luck!!!
Thanks, Kristin! I’m totally swwoning over your ORC plans!!
Okay, I am loving that train table, how fun is that? Looks like you’ve got some wonderful plans for your little boy. Good luck!
Thanks, Erin! That train table sees some serious use and love around here, that’s for sure! 🙂
Oooooh Star wars touches! Love it!
I am doing a boys room too Samantha! I love the plan you have for his room, can’t wait to follow along!
Thanks for sharing this on Dream Create and Inspire, love the nursery to big boy room.. very very sweet!
Thanks, Maria!!
I love the colors you are going to include in the room! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!
Thanks, Jenny! The navy is waaaaaay out of my comfort zone, but excited about branching out a bit! 🙂