No green cloth napkins like me? I found these paper ones at the grocery store and they worked just fine!
I tried to bring in some fresh touches like hydrangeas and preserved boxwood to the teal cabinet. As a general rule, you can’t go wrong with hydrangeas and boxwood, am I right?!
I’m absolutely in LOVE with this tiered stand from Kirkland’s! The wood bead border puts it over the top in the perfect category! I found it while shopping with my friend Rebecca and not only did she encourage me not to leave the store without it because she knew how perfect it would look in my dining room, she shared her 15% off coupon with me! Now, that’s a good friend! 😉 Thanks, Rebecca!
Here’s a shot of how the dining room looks every day when it’s not decked out for a meal. I love the crispness of the green!
Be sure to check out all the other beautiful, green spaces in the hop!
Love your dining room! the perfect amount of green touches!
love that tiered stand, Samantha! The green from the apples plays off so nicely with all of the other green touches. Bring on spring!
I love green apples, i grew up on a apple farm and we had red and yellow apples. It was so much fun picking apples. Miss those days:) The tablscape look super pretty.
Your dining room is stunning, Samantha! Love that tiered stand!
I love your touches of green that you added to your space! I always forget that apples are such a great decoration!
I love it all!! that two-tiered metal tray is so perfect for corraling everything in a pretty way. I have that same green and white fabric in our kitchen – great minds think alike! thanks for joining the tour!