I won’t go into all the details again today since I already wrote them up yesterday, but here’s a brief picture walk through of the installation steps.
First, Jeremy measured, cut, and nailed on the baseboards.
Next, he cut, measured and nailed up the vertical boards. He used his spacer board to make them equal distance from each other and checked each board with his level to make sure they were straight before he nailed them on.
The vertical boards that went under the windows were a bit tricky because they were thicker than the window moulding. Jeremy left them straight at the top until the point where the window molding stopped, then did an angle cut so they wouldn’t stick straight out. He sanded them with his sander to make them nice and smooth. Here’s a close up of how he angled the vertical boards under the window moulding.
After the verical boards were up, he cut and nailed up the top board, then the ledge, then the moulding to finish it off.
Here’s some phone photos of the progress Jeremy made today! I think he’s pretty much amazing and is doing a great job!
Window wall and the wall with the attic door are finished!
The next two photos are of the baseboards he installed. Oh, and yes, the room is full of sawdust! This is not a neat project, that’s for sure!
Hoping we can maintain the same pace tomorrow and keep knocking this project out!
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