Little Man was a week early, so I absolutely did not anticipate her being late. The last couple weeks, I’ve been getting rounds of contractions that come 1-2 minutes apart and last for a couple hours, then subside. Such a cruel tease. I have, however, gotten so many sweet texts, calls, and messages from friends and family who are anxiously awaiting her arrival and praying for us and letting us know they’re thinking of us. So encouraging! Thanks you guys! 🙂
So, what have we been up to while we wait? Nesting, resting, and snuggling. One day I’m a cleaning maniac, the next day I can’t muster up the energy to move. But, every day, I’ve been soaking up lots of snuggles with Little Man. He’s been super cuddly lately and I’m eating up every minute of it!
Jeremy has been helping me organize the house and check things off of our to-do list. He’s amazing, I tell ya! Here’s a glimpse at the more “exciting” things we’ve done. I did a lot of boring things like cleaning out the bathroom drawers and pantry cabinets, but I’ll spare you details of those projects. Haha!
-It’s totally not pretty, but I did this on the cheap… Our coat closet is roughly the size of a shoe box, so it’s always bursting at the seams and a mess. I cleaned it all out and put the gloves and scarves on the door which gained us a lot more hanging space for our coats. I hung all of my scarves on a hanger and used a large Command Hook I found when cleaning out the closet (score! haha!) to hang it up. I found some colored Command Hooks on clearance at Target to hang our gloves on. I totally could have done this in a much prettier way, but this way only cost me $4 and is 100% more functional, so I’m digging it. 🙂
-We have not had any permanent furniture in the entry way since we moved in. We’ve tried a plant there and an old beat up end table (I would have redone it if it had been a good height), but nothing looked right. My sweet Aunt and Uncle and Grandma gave me some Christmas cash (Thank you!!!) and I decided to put it together and get a real entry table. I saw this one online and found the best price at Wayfair. It came in a couple days ago and I love it! It’s the perfect size for our entry and the color matches my sunburst mirror on the wall exactly! I’ll blog pictures of it in our entry later, but for now, enjoy the stock photo… 🙂
-My mom finished Little Girl’s curtains! Jeremy hung them up and we absolutely love them! I will do an entire post on them after things settle down, but here’s a sneak peek!
Happy Monday, Everyone!
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