For those of you who aren’t aware, my father-in-law tragically passed away last month. I can’t even begin to put into words the heartbreak and grief we are feeling right now. He is loved and will be missed more than I could ever express.
We had a memorial in his honor on Saturday in Florida. Now we are trying to figure out what the new normal will look like. Thank you to all of our friends near and far for all of your help and prayers this past month. The hospitality, meals, cards, calls, emails, texts, flowers, babysitting are all so appreciated and make us feel so supported and loved. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
My blog has been slow for obvious reasons. We have literally been gone from home for 2 out of the past 4 weeks. I’m looking forward to diving back into our home projects and getting into a routine again to feel a bit more normal. Be back soon, friends.
I would love to say something to the four of you to make everything ok again, but that is impossible. Instead of calling on God's help later, call on Him now to help guide you and Jeremy. God is waiting for your call. No busy signal or voicemails and I'm pretty sure text messages are out of the question. Always remember your friends and family are here also waiting for your call(text messages do work). We love you all and pray that God will give all of you peace and closure.