Except it’s Wednesday. I’m two days early. 🙂 Jeremy has the week off and we are busy enjoying family time, so this is probably the only time I’ll blog this week. Here’s my five things!
1) Target Clearance– I really liked these poufs when I saw them a couple months ago, but $40 seemed too steep of a price to me. But, waiting paid off because these babies were 50% off in store (looks like they’re still regular price online)! I picked one up for some much needed seating in the playroom!
2) This View– This was my view yesterday. My man wielding a paint roller. We (well, mostly Jeremy), finally got the living room painted yesterday! More on that soon!
3) Calla Lilies– I LOVE when my flowers bloom out front! The crepe myrtle is blooming and so are my calla lilies! Too bad the crazy spring freezing killed my hydrangea buds. I’m so sad they didn’t bloom much this year. Thankfully, they are healthy, so I’m hoping they’ll do better next year!
4) Foaming Soap– I never used to like foaming soap, but I’ve discovered that it’s the best for kids! It’s much easier for them to rinse than traditional soap! Now, I’m hooked! Oh, and word of advice, don’t get the Thomas and Friends foaming soap. It’s dyed red so you’ll have red soap drips all over your sink!
5) This Song– I really like the song God is Able by Hillsong! Check it out!
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