This week is very exciting for us! After nearly 5 years at his company, my husband decided to move on and started a new job this week!
As the new job offer has unfolded, I’ve pondered how God has opened and closed doors along the way to get us to this point. While Jeremy was in grad school, he was diligently searching for a job and was specifically targeting his company because it was a great fit for him, mixing industry and his PhD work. We spent many months praying about the job and hoping God would open that door–and He did!
Jeremy was blessed with an amazing director and many opportunities at his company. I love seeing how hard he works and what a high work ethic and standards he has. Honestly, Jeremy’s always been this way since his first job at a grocery store in high school. I used to literally jog to keep up with him when I’d pop in to flirt eat lunch with him on his break. 🙂
Just as God opened the doors for Jeremy five years ago, He has made it clear that it was time to move on. An exciting job offer came in when Jeremy wasn’t looking. It’s a really interesting position that shifts focus from industry to policy and was too good to pass up. But… they wanted us to relocate. When push came to shove, neither of us wanted to move (at all!!!) and we didn’t think we could afford to live in the new city. Just when we thought he would need to turn down the job, they offered to let him work remote. From our house. Every day. For Real! Cue angels singing and Jeremy and I break dancing in the living room!
Ready to see more of God? When we were looking for our house three years ago, we looked at a bunch of homes. We actually got within two weeks of closing on our previous house before we found a new house to buy. From the second we pulled into the driveway, we loved this house. As soon as we opened the front door, I knew this was the one. We were completely sold on the house before we even went out back and saw the detached garage with a mother in law suite! It just so happens, that mother in law suite is the *perfect* home office! Jeremy wrote his entire dissertation up there shortly after we moved in. He has used it often for working from home and loves it because he is at home, but can’t hear what is going on and doesn’t get interrupted. Little did we know, he’d be working from home every single day and would need such a nice, quiet office space! Isn’t it amazing that three years ago, God lead us to a home with a perfect office space for this new job?!
Looking forward to 2015 and the new opportunities Jeremy has at work, as well as generally just slowing down as a family. 2014 was a hard year and was entirely too busy with traveling, etc. We are exhausted and worn out and looking forward to slowing down the pace in the coming year. What are you looking forward to in 2015? Have a Happy New Year!
So amazing how God works at times, isn't it? Love how He had this all planned out for you… I just need to trust Him all the more! Thanks for sharing, Samantha!
Kendra @