What We’re Eating This Week-
Here’s our meal plan for the week. I’m keeping it super easy, low key food since it’s a busy week!
Sunday & Monday: Potsickers, Sauted Shredded Brussel Sprouts, Fruit, & Rolls
Tuesday: Breakfast for Dinner–Bacon, egg, & cheese bagels, hashbrows, cinnamon rolls
Wednesday: Community group meal at church– Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese, Fruit, Dessert
Thursday: Eat Out 🙂
Friday & Saturday: Mexican Chicken & Rice
What I’m Reminiscing About-
My hubby was out of town all last week on a business trip. While he was gone, my high school bestie came and stayed with me a couple days. It was awesome to get to see her again!!! My kids love her and were super sad when she had to go home. As we were pulling away from the airport, Little Man said, “I miss her so much I can’t think.” 🙂
What I’m Loving-
Ghiradelli chocolate chips have been my jam lately. I usually buy mostly store brand items, but found some Ghiradelli chocolate chips on sale for cheap and tried them out. Now, I’m completely hooked! They are worth the extra money! They make any baked good better and are my sweets fix of choice, straight out of the bag!
What We’ve Been Up To-
We are in the middle of a busy couple month stretch for us between family/friends visiting and going out of town ourselves. Not much free time these days!
What I’m Dreading-
I need to get my license renewed at the DMV and they have no available appointments until late next month. Ugg! Looks like I’ll be waking up and going super early one morning to beat the crowds. I hate the DMV! I’m thinking I need to go to Starbucks along the way, right?! 😉
What I’m Working On-
I’m so close to finishing the playroom! I need to hang some artwork on the striped wall this week. I’m also working on artwork for above our couch! I’ll be sure to update you all with the progress along the way!
What I’m Excited About-
We’re going to IKEA next week! Yay! I’ve only ever been there twice since there’s not one very close to our house. Over the past year, we’ve accumulated a list of things we need from there. I can’t wait to get it home and start assembling!
What I’m Watching/Reading-
I’ve been addicted to Flip or Flop! Jeremy and I have also been rewatching all of The Office while we patiently wait for the next season of Parks and Rec to be posted on Netflix. The wait is killing me! Oh, and I’ve also been keeping up with Baby Daddy, although the Danny/Riley thing needs some resolution already. Three seasons of back and forth is just too much!
What I’m Listening To-
My current favorite is Sam Hunt’s Take Your Time. I love the sound of it! I’m also loving Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk (gets me in such a good, energetic mood!), Maroon 5’s Sugar, and Taylor Swift’s Style.
What I’m Wearing-
My current favorite outfit is these Express Jeans paired with a hi-low shirt (similar) from Gap. I’m a t-shirt and jeans kinda girl, so this is right up my alley, but still feels put together.
What I’m Doing This Weekend-
This is one of our only weekends for the next few weeks to be able to get anything done around the house, so we need to squeak as much out of it as we can. I really need to get going on the artwork for above the couch! We already bought some of the materials, so I just need to buckle down and do it. We also need to get started on our garden. We tried doing a small garden in planters last year, but it was a major fail. We haven’t done a normal garden since we lived at our old house, so we’re itching to get some fresh veggies growing in our yard. Here’s our freshly planted garden at our old house. This was just the winter veggies. We added zucchini, squash, and peppers later in the season. It did really well! We had zucchini and lettuce for dayz! 🙂
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
Jeremy needs to be in DC for work for a couple days next month, so the kids and I are tagging along for the road trip. This will be our third trip to DC with kids. We’ve already done the zoo, aquarium (although I hear it’s closed now?), Air & Space Museum, National Archives, Science Museum, and monuments. Anyone have some other suggestions of kid friendly things to do in DC?
What Else Is New-
With school winding down for the year, we’re starting to think about summer activities for Little Man. We thought about sports, but it’ll be so hot that I’m worried it’ll be miserable. Maybe swim lessons? What are your kids doing over the summer?
What I’m Buying/Wanting For Mother’s Day This Year-
Well, my mom reads this blog, so I’m not telling what I’m buying. Ha! As far as what I want? I usually ask for project money so I can keep doing my DIY thing. Or a pedicure. That’d be nice, too! 🙂
Linking up to The Larson Lingo!
This is super fun to read, Samantha! I'll do one too and share 🙂 Love your garden area you're working on! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! xo
Kendra @ http://www.joyinourhome.com
Thanks! Can't wait to read yours–so fun!