I went on a girls trip to the lake for a couple days last week which was so nice! When I got home, I opened the door to find my hubby and kids dressed in party hats yelling, “Happy Just Because Day!” They had decorated the house with balloons, made me a hand drawn banner, baked me a cake, bought me presents, and made me a card! And, did I mention the house was clean?! It was the SWEETEST thing ever!
This is the second time they have done this to me and both times have been on completely random days of the year. They’ve informed me it’s now an established tradition! 🙂 I have cried both times! The spontaneity and thoughtfulness just gets me! If you ever want to make someone feel loved, pick a random day and throw them a “Happy Just Because Day” party!
This week, we’re back to reality and somehow almost a month into the summer! I wanted to share another insanely easy summer activity with you in case you are in need of something new to do with your kids! This one is so easy, I almost didn’t share it because it just seemed too easy. But, I was inspired by a picture of a similar tent, so thought maybe you would be inspired, too.
Stretch a rope between two trees and tie. Drape a sheet over the rope to create a tent and weigh down the edges with some rocks. If you’re feeling extra fancy, spread a blanket out in the bottom of the tent. Done!
This could really be done anywhere! A deck, inside your house–really, anywhere you can find to stretch your rope across! It’ll be a huge hit with the kids!
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